Welcome to the Educare National Evaluation!
LEP PIs and key staff will need a UNC ONYEN ("Only Name You'll Ever Need" - once upon a time that was true...). The ONYEN will allow you to gain access to FPG's online systems for data entry, upload, and download, and FPG's sharepoint site where datasets are stored. Send an email to Gisele Crawford to request an ONYEN.
In the banner at the top of this page, you will see a link to the Team Member Login. Gisele Crawford can provide you with the login information. By logging in, you will have access to the Team Member Dashboard on this website:
- Directory: please create entries in the directory for yourself and your team members.
- Team Resources: on this page, you can find copies of surveys and instruments, classroom observation forms, and general information about the National Evaluation.
- Video Queue: when you share data collector reliability materials for our review, you'll create listings here. You can then monitor the progress of our review.
- Educare National Evaluation Manual: you'll find helpful guidance for reliability, data collection, data entry, and access to your Educare National Evaluation data.
Your first tasks include obtaining IRB approval to collect parent consents, training data collectors, and working with your Educare program to collect Family Interviews. Your Educare Learning Network partners - the Educare Learning Network team at Start Early, FPG, and your fellow LEPs - are here to help you.
Educare National Evaluation Coordinator
The Educare Learning Network site is a source of detailed information about the Educare approach as well as training on data utilization and other key features of Educare.